Iamque singuli supererant, sed nec spe nec viribus pares; alter intege μετάφραση - Iamque singuli supererant, sed nec spe nec viribus pares; alter intege Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Iamque singuli supererant, sed nec

Iamque singuli supererant, sed nec spe nec viribus pares; alter integer et ferox superioribus victoriis erat; alter defessus vulnere, animo fractus in certamen venit. Nec illud proelium fuit. Curiatium vix sustinentem arma Horatius caedit et iacentem spoliat.
Ad sepulturam inde suorum Romani atque Albani nequaquam paribus animis vertuntur, alteri victores alteri victi. Exercitus domos abducti sunt. Horatii soror, quae uni ex Curiatiis desponsa erat, agnovit inter spolia paludamentum sponsi, quod ipsa confecerat. Solvit crines et multis cum lacrimis sponsum mortuum appellat. Frater, iratus propter maerorem sororis in victoria sua tantoque publico gaudio, gladio eam interfecit. Res ad populum relata est. Homines vehementer moti sunt in eo iudicio, Publio Horatio patre clamante filiam iure caesam esse. Sed magis admiratione virtutis quam iure causae iuvenum absolverunt.
Postea pestilentia gravis in urbem incidit, qua rex quoque affectus est. Hac calamitate fractus sacris postea animum dedit. Postremo, quia sacrum quoddam non rite fecerat –ita fama est- Tullus fulmine percussus cum domo conflagravit. Regnavit annos duos et triginta. [642 π. Χ.]
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
And now, every one remained, but equal in either confidence or strength; the other is an integer and former victories was fierce; the wound of the other, worn out, broken down into the mind of the battle, it comes. Nor is it a battle. Curiatius hardly suffers Horace prunes and laid bare arms.
The burial from the Roman and the Albanians do not like minds are changed, the other winners of the other losers. Army houses away. Sister of the Horatii, which was promised in marriage to one of the Curiatii, acknowledged among the spoil a cloak of her betrothed, which she had made. With many tears, she loosed her hair and called her dead lover. Brother, he was angry for the sake of his sister's sorrow, the joy of the victory of his own triumph and the public, with the sword, it killed him. The matter was referred to the people. Fled, they are very angry with the men in the trial had been justly slain the daughter of Publius Horatius, the father, crying out to be. But still more than by the law of the cause of the power of the admiration of the young men, not guilty.
After this, he fell into the city a terrible disease, which the king also himself dealt with. The sacred and broken in upon this defeat, and afterwards the courage. Finally, because it is a sacred rite had not been struck by lightning -ita report, Jones called his house burned. Reigned for two years. [642 π. Χ.]
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