Seest thou yonder City, which, compelled by me to submit to the Roman people, yet renews its former wars, unable to be at rest? ' Here he shewed me Carthage from the high place, full of stars, clear and brilliant in a certain place. 'Now to the assault of which thou comest, as yet. This is now two years consul will destroy it, it shall be through you, to you the title of the birth, that you still possess inherited from us. And when he was destroying the Carthage, the triumph of the lieutenant, thou doest thou shalt proceed to Egypt, Syria, Asia, Greece, being made Consul a second time but being absent am thy greatest war, Numantia. But when the triumphal car to the Capitol, thou shalt find the Republic thrown confusion by the policy of my grandson.
(12) Here, O Africanus, it will be necessary to show the country's light of thy spirit, thy genius, and thy wisdom. But at that time edged see as the way of destiny. In fact, when the age of the sun, shall be seven times eight windings and returns
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