Of course, Tiberius Gracchus, father of Tiberius Gracchus, an illustrious and eminent citizen, the son, the grandson of the daughter of Scipio Africanus, had been quaestor and its author had negotiated the treaty, now being greatly displeased with the covenant of something of himself to be ill, and fearing the danger of punishment or the like form, now or judgment, was elected tribune of the people, a man of otherwise blameless life, of brilliant intellect, 2 the purpose of the most holy, and lastly, adorned with virtue, as was the condition of perfect and receives a mortal nature and industry, a hundred and sixty-two years ago in the consulship of Publius Mucius Scaevola and Lucius Calpurnius, fell away from the good, and promised to the whole of Italy and the city, 3 at the same time, by proposing agrarian laws, and all at once desired to see the danger of the top of the bottom of the poured out, and he led the republic into abrupt and doubtful.
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