Ordering those who were accused, Amphipolis, he joined, Cn. Octavius When a report of ten had landed in his generals, and everything else and he proceeded to Apollonia. There Perseus came out to meet the slackness of his guard-that a day's march from Amphipolis and is-, that it is, indeed, a kind reception; but when he arrived to the camp to Amphipolis, he is severely censured C. Sulpicius, the first thing that He had suffered in Perseus through the Province to wander so far from him, and then, because he had allowed the soldiers, in order to remove the tiles from the city walls of roof their winter huts; He ordered the tiles had been detected and repaired, just as they had been, he ordered. Perseus and his elder son Philip were handed over to A. Postumius to be kept under guard; of free persons with a minor daughter had a son, from the Samothrace, with every
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