But at first it was rather ambition than avarice that the minds of men, which vice, however
nearer to virtue. (2) In fact, the glory, the honor, the good man and the coward, for themselves as well as
they desire; but the true way, so they give the good arts, tricks and stratagems of the
(3) Avarice implies a desire for money, which no wise man covets; steeped as it were
with noxious poisons, manly body and soul effeminate; and are never satisfied
, and do not want make it less. (4), however, after he had received the arms of the republic, and Lucius Sulla, Bon
is the beginning of
a bad end, by force and brought to the house, another land, to desire, nor
to have the manner of the victors nor restraint, filthy and cruel deeds on the citizens.
(5) To this adcedebat that Lucius Sulla, the army which he had led into Asia, in which Fi
as long as
He did it, too, he had held against the practices of our ancestors. The climate is pleasant, and
can easily lead to a voluptuous idleness, enervated the minds of: (6) are there for the first time became accustomed to
the army of the Roman people, to love, to give drink, statues, paintings, and engraved vases,
in private and in public, to steal, to rob the temples, sacred and profane are polluting. (7) Therefore, to him,
the soldiers, they had won the victory, left nothing to the vanquished. (8) Of course, the second
wears out the minds of the wise thing: but let them not corrupter, the behavior of the victory Temp
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