Ex hāc fīliā nātī sunt duo fīliī, Rōmulus et Remus. Pater eōrum, ut fā μετάφραση - Ex hāc fīliā nātī sunt duo fīliī, Rōmulus et Remus. Pater eōrum, ut fā Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Ex hāc fīliā nātī sunt duo fīliī, R

Ex hāc fīliā nātī sunt duo fīliī, Rōmulus et Remus. Pater eōrum, ut fāma est, Mārs deus erat. Sed nec deī nec hominēs mātrem et puerōs ā crūdēlitāte rēgiā dēfendērunt. Sacerdōs in custōdiam data est; puerōs rēx in Tiberim inicī iussit. Forte Tiberis abundāverat, neque eī quī puerōs ferēbant adīre ad altam aquam poterant. Itaque puerōs in alveō posuērunt atque in tenuī aquā relīquērunt. Sed alveus in siccō sēdit. Deinde lupa sitiēns –sīc enim est trāditum- ex montibus quī circā sunt ad puerōrum vāgītum cursum flexit. Faustulus, pāstor rēgius, eam invēnit puerōs nutrientem. Ab eō atque Lārentiā uxōre puerī ēducātī sunt. Cum prīmum adolēvērunt, vēnārī coepērunt et in latrōnēs praedā onustos impetūs facere pāstōribusque praedam dīvidere.
Dum quīdam lūdī celebrantur, latrōnēs īrātī ob praedam āmissam impetum in Rōmulum et Remum fēcērunt; captum Remum rēgī Amuliō trādidērunt. Puerōs praedam ex agrīs Numitōris ēgisse incūsābant. Sīc ad supplicium Numitōrī Remus dēditur.
Ab initiō Faustulus crēdiderat pueros iussū rēgis expositōs apud sē ēducārī. Tum periculō Remi mōtus rem Rōmulō aperit. Forte Numitor quoque audīverat fratrēs geminōs esse; tum comparāns et aetātem eōrum et nōbilem animum Remī nepōtem agnovit. Romulus cum manū pāstōrum in rēgem Amulium impetum facit; Remus aliā parātā manū adiuvat. Ita rēx interfectus est. Imperium Albānum Numitōrī avō ab iuvenibus restitūtum est. Deinde Romulus et Remus in eīs locīs ubi expositī ubique educātī erant urbem condere cōnstituērunt.
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
On the one of the children were born two sons, Romulus and Remus. Their father, as the report goes, Mars was a god. But neither of God nor the Mother of the man and the boy from the king's defender. The priest in charge of the data; he ordered the boys is a king in the beginning of the Tiber. Perhaps Tiber excesses, nor the young who were carrying the water could not come at a high level. So the servants of the reservoir in the shallow water and spoiled the rest. But we sat out on the hull. Then the wolf is thirsty -sic trāditum- from the surrounding hills to the child cries as he turned off the course. Temples are the shepherd of the king, her, they found the child they are nourished. From him and Larenta uxōre educated boys. As soon as He grew up, I began to hunt the prey, and shepherds, and I will divide among the thieves loaded with booty to make an assault.
While some sports are celebrated, the robbers of the loss of impetus in the Romulus and Remus īrātī the sake of plunder they had done; Remus caught Amulius delivered. Spoil the child from the country drift Numitore recriminations. Thus, Remus, I have given to Numitor for punishment.
Faustulus had believed from the beginning that he was bringing the young men of the king's commandment was exposed. At the risk of Remus Romulus mōtus thing opens. Numitor perhaps also be heard on a twin brother; comparing grandchildren, their age and their remit as well as the noble soul has recognized. Romulus, with the shepherds in the King Amulius attack; Remus another in hand to assist. Thus the king was killed. Control is returned to the young from their grandfather Numitor Albania. After that Romulus and Remus were found in those places where there is exposed and brought to found a city to set up.
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