Numa died, and an interregnum, as we have previously followed. From this it is made king. This was actually more warlike than Romulus had been. Once that the city seemed to slumber in peace, the causes of the war on all sides of ingratiating himself. The war with the Albanians for the first time has risen. Albans were the first with a great army into the Roman territory, they made a charge. There Cluilius, the Alban king, he dieth. Alban dictator replied Fufe. Where is the dialogue asked for by Tullus, the King of Rome had not refused to. Mettius in this manner: "to wage war for the sake of both the people are the injuries says. The fact is that the people to take up arms, gave the alarm is goading two kindred and neighboring. Rather, we ought to be afraid of the Etruscans, who, when, worn out with confectique we shall be, at the same time, victor and vanquished, will fight before. Contest, therefore, for the kingdom, a few battle rather us. "Tullus counsel proved to be so, in spite of the great hopes of the victory he had.
happened to be in both armies a triplet of brothers, fairly matched in years and strength, of Horace, Curiatii. They were Albanians, those Rome. Trigemini they seized their weapons, and in the midst of the men selected to engage, between the two lines. There were two divisions, being raised up and anxious, in the show they are earnest. The signal was given, three of the young men face to face.
Two of the Romans were slain upon the first time they met, and the three Albans were wounded. Three sides, were gathering round Him, who was untouched, they tried to. Since this time the Romans had fled to a little, and looking up, and he saw the three Curiatii following at long intervals. In a moment they stood Curiatius charged down on him and against his neighbor; Alban Curiatii entreat him as with a brother to give support to as the host, Horatius upon him slew him; Then he asks his brother to the winner. Then a loud shout of Rome encouraged his speed, and he must prepare for battle. Before he obtained the third, Horace other Curiatius. And now, every one of them were left, but equal in either confidence or strength; The other was intact and defiant former victories; tired of the wound of the other, and their hearts broken in the struggle, it comes. Nor is it a battle. Curiatius difficulty sustaining cuts and William weapons seized from lying.
The burial from the Roman and the Albanians do not like minds are changed, the other winners of the other losers. Army houses away. Sister of the Horatii, which was promised in marriage to one of the Curiatii, acknowledged among the spoil a cloak of her betrothed, which she had made. She paid for curly hair, and with many tears, her dead lover by name. My brother, he was angry in his own triumph and the public on account of his sister's grief with joy, by the sword that killed him. The matter was referred to the people. Fled, they are very angry with the men in the trial when the daughter had been justly slain Publius Horatius, the father, crying out to be. But still more than from the justice of the cause of the power of the admiration of the young men previously sentenced.
After this, he fell into the city a terrible disease, in which the king also himself dealt with. And broken in upon this defeat, the sacred afterwards the courage. Finally, because it is not a sacred rite had been struck by lightning -ita report, Jones called his house burned. Reigned for two years. [642 π. Χ.]
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