id cum libenter accepissem atque ab eo petere coepissem ne dubitaret d μετάφραση - id cum libenter accepissem atque ab eo petere coepissem ne dubitaret d Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

id cum libenter accepissem atque ab

id cum libenter accepissem atque ab eo petere coepissem ne dubitaret ducere,tum ille,faciam,inquit,si mihi fidem quam postulo dederis.simul me ad aram adduxit ,apud quam sacrificare instituerat,eamque ceteris remotis tenentem iurare iussit numquam me in amicita cum Romanis ego iusiurandum patri datum usque ad hanc aetatem ita comnservavi,ut nemini dubium esse debeat,quin reliquo tempore eadem mente sim futurus.quare si quid amice de Romanis cogitabis,non imprutenter feceris,si me celaris;cum
quidem bellum parabis ,te ipsum frustraberis,si non me in eo principem posueris.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
I began to willingly I might have taken him not to hesitate to ask of him, and after that has to lead the service, was he, I will do, he says, if you do need to dederis.simul the faith which he brought me to the altar, before whom, sacrifice, and, with the rest of the removal of the holder of the friendship with the Romans to swear will never be ordered I must take an oath to my father as far as the men of his age, so comnservavi, just that no one ought to doubt that the same mind for the rest of the Romans, 'Friend, I am making plans for futurus.quare if there be any, do not imprutenter you do it, if I had hidden, but when
you prepare this war, you will will disappoint you, if you do not make me the leader in this.
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