Olim in Asia erat urbs antiqua, quae Troia appellata est. Eam urbem Gr μετάφραση - Olim in Asia erat urbs antiqua, quae Troia appellata est. Eam urbem Gr Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Olim in Asia erat urbs antiqua, qua

Olim in Asia erat urbs antiqua, quae Troia appellata est. Eam urbem Graeci decem annos obsederunt tandemque ceperunt. Priamo rege filiisque interfectis, urbem deleverunt. Sed Aeneas, qui inter clarissimos defensores urbis fuerat, cum paucis comitibus ex urbe effugit; cum profugos ex omnibus partibus coegisset, in Italiam migrare constituit.

Post septem annos venit in eam partem Italiae ubi erat urbs Laurentum. Ibi cum Troiani praedam ex agris agerent, Latinus rex Aboriginesque, qui ea loca tenebant, agros defendere paraverunt. Sed Latinus, postquam in colloquio originem multitudinis ducisque cognovit, pacem cum Aenea fecit atque postea ei Laviniam filiam in matrimonium dedit. Troiani urbem condiderunt, quam Aeneas ab nomine uxoris Lavinium appellavit.

Deinde Turnus, rex Rutulorum, cui Lavinia ante adventum Aeneae desponsa erat, bello Latinum Troianosque aggressus est. Victi sunt Rutuli, sed victores ducem Latinum amiserunt. Inde Turnus auxilium petiit ab Etruscis, qui totam Italiam fama nominis sui impleverant; illi metuentes novam urbem multitudine opibusque crescentem laeti auxilium tulerunt. Aeneas in tanto discrimine, ut Aborigines Troianosque sub eodem iure atque nomine haberet, Latinos utramque gentem appellavit. Cum adversus Etruscos se moenibus defendere posset, tamen in aciem copias eduxit. Etrusci victi sunt; victores tamen ducem ut antea amiserunt; post pugnam enim Aeneam reperire non potuerunt; multi igitur eum ad deos transisse crediderunt.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
In former times there was a city of great antiquity in Asia, which Troy, they called it. The Greeks laid siege to the city for ten years finally caught. King Priam was slain children, and destroyed the city. But Aeneas, who had been among the most distinguished defenders of the city, with a few companions, fled from the city; with the refugees from all parts of the forces together, and made ​​him to move back to Italy. Italy, where was the city of that part of the end of every seven years, comes in the Laurentum. There, while the Trojan booty from the fields, the Latin, the king of the Aborigines, who gave them the place of the hand of them, and prepared to defend the country. , But in Latin, after he knew that at the conference were enhancing the origin of the multitude, he made ​​peace with Aeneas, and then make him his daughter Lavinia in marriage. The founders of the city of the Trojans, which Aeneas called Lavinium after his wife. Then Turnus, king of the Rutuli, to whom Lavinia had been betrothed before the coming of Aeneas, he set about to the Latin war, and Trojans. Then conquered the Rutuli, but the conquerors lost their leader Latinus. Then Turnus and the help asked for by the Etruscans, who had fulfilled all of Italy with the fame of his name; Those who fear the new city growing number of resources to help gladly took. Aeneas in such a crisis, such as the Aborigines and Trojans under the same laws, and the name of the men, was called both nations by the Latins. When the Etruscans that he was not able to defend the walls, still, he formed his line. The Etruscans were defeated; the leader of the victors, however, as we have previously lost; After the war, he could not find Aeneas; Many believed then that he had gone to the gods.

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