Saepe iam, mater optima, impetum cepi consolandi te, saepe continui. V μετάφραση - Saepe iam, mater optima, impetum cepi consolandi te, saepe continui. V Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Saepe iam, mater optima, impetum ce

Saepe iam, mater optima, impetum cepi consolandi te, saepe continui. Vt auderem multa me inpellebant: primum uidebar depositurus omnia incommoda, cum lacrimas tuas, etiam si supprimere non potuissem, interim certe abstersissem; deinde plus habiturum me auctoritatis non dubitabam ad excitandam te, si prior ipse consurrexissem; praeterea timebam ne a me uicta fortuna aliquem meorum uinceret. Itaque utcumque conabar manu super plagam meam inposita ad obliganda uulnera uestra reptare. 2. Hoc propositum meum erant rursus quae retardarent: dolori tuo, dum recens saeuiret, sciebam occurrendum non esse ne illum ipsa solacia inritarent et accenderent — nam in morbis quoque nihil est perniciosius quam inmatura medicina; expectabam itaque dum ipse uires suas frangeret et ad sustinenda remedia mora mitigatus tangi se ac tractari pateretur.

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
OFTEN, my best of mothers have felt the impulse of comforting is that you, as often. Inpellebant me many things as I dared, for the first time seemed to lay aside all my troubles when I, even if I could not suppress, a time at least wiped away your tears; and then, I felt sure that I have more power to raise you up, if I had first arisen from my own; Besides, I was afraid that I conquered my luck someone steady. And so, no matter how much I tried to put on to bind up the wounds of the hand of your climb up the my on the wound. 2. there were reasons which made me delay my purpose: to your sorrow, while recent rage, because I was sure that I ought not to provoke and inflame my very condolences should not - for nothing is more harmful than the untimely medicine in diseases; I waited for so, at the same strength, and their breaking, and for the upkeep of remedies, it has been softened to being touched and handled.

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