Iam filii Anci prope adulti erant. Sed Tarquinius ipse rex crearicupie μετάφραση - Iam filii Anci prope adulti erant. Sed Tarquinius ipse rex crearicupie Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Iam filii Anci prope adulti erant.

Iam filii Anci prope adulti erant. Sed Tarquinius ipse rex creari
cupiebat. Is primus palam regnum petiit, memorans officia privata ac publica
et begignitatem in omnes. Magno consensu populus Romanus eum regnare
Tarquinius, Latinis bello victis, ludos magnificos fecit. Tum primum
locus circo, qui Maximus dicitur, designatus est. Ludi sollemnes manserunt,
Romani aut Magni appellati.
Magna quoque opera a rege incepta sunt, ut populus non quietior in
pace quam in bello esset. Muro lapideo urbem cingere paravit, et loca circa
forum aliasque convalles cloacis siccavit. Fundamenta aedis Iovis in Capitolio
Eo fere tempore in regia prodigium mirabile fuit. Caput pueri
dormientis, cui Servius Tullius fuit nomen, multorum in conspectus arsit.
Servi, qui aquam ad restinguendam flammam ferebant, ab regina retenti sunt.
Mox cum puer e somno excitatus esset, flamma abiit. Tum, abducto in
secretum viro, Tanaquil, “Videsne tu hunc puerum,” inquit, “quem tam
humili cultu educamus? Lumen profecto portendit eum aliquando nobis
praesidio futurum esse. Proinde artibus liberalibus erudiendus est.” Ingenium
iuvenis vere regium erat. Tarquinius igitur ei filiam suam despondit.
Etsi Anci filii duo antea irati fuerant quod peregrinus Romae regnabat,
tum maior erat indignatio, quoniam servo iam regnum patere videbatur.
Regem igitur interficere regnumque occupare constituerunt. Ex pastoribus
duo ferocissimi ad facinus delecti in vestibulo regiae specie rixae in se omnes
apparitores regios converterunt. Inde vocati ad regem dicere in vicem iussi
sunt. Unus rem exponit. Dum intentus in eum se rex totus avertit, alter elatam securim in caput regis deiecit; relicto in vulnere telo, ambo foras fugiunt.
Tarquinium moribundum apparitores excipiunt; illos fugientes lictores
Magnus sequitur populi tumultus, inter quem Tanaquil claudi regiam
iubet. Servio inde celeriter ad se vocato, auxilium oravit. “Tuum est regnum,”
inquit, “Servi, si vir est, non eorum qui alienis minibus pessimum facinus
fecerunt. Erige te deosque duces sequere, qui divina flamma hoc caput clarum
futurum esse portenderunt. Noli perturbari quod peregrinus es. Etiam nos
peregrini regnavimus. Si propter subitam rem consilia fingere non potes, mea
tamen consilia sequere.”
Cum iam clamor multitudinis vix sustineri posset, Tanaquil ex
superiore parte regiae populum ita allocuta est: “Cum vulnus regis grave sit,
iam tamen ad se redit; brevi tempore regem ipsum videbitis. Interim vult
Servium Tullium rem publicam administrare.” Itaque Servius per aliquot
dies, cum Tarquinius iam mortuus esset, suas opes firmavit. Tum demum
mors regis nuntiata est. Servius, praesidio firmo munitus, primus iniussu
populi voluntate partum regnavit.
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Now After handing over children were almost grown-up. But, to be made ​​king, Tarquinius
wished to. The kingdom is the first openly asked, speaking both public and private offices
and in all begignitatem. The Great, the consent of the Roman people , began to
be got ready.
Tarquinius, the Latins, were conquered in war, and the game has done excellent things. This was the first
place of the Circus, who is called Maximus, assigned. The Games of the fixed period they remained,
were called the Great or the Romans.
Great also the works which were begun by the king, that the people enjoyed no more quiet in
peace than in war, it was. He has prepared a city which was surrounded with a stone wall, and with regard to the place of the
forum and other cloacis the valleys dried up. The foundations of the temple of Jupiter in the Capitol,
he shot.
About the same time there was a wonderful It was wonderful. The boy's head
was asleep, to whom the name was dedicated by Servius Tullius, and of many of the prisoners on fire.
slaves, who were bringing water to quench the flame of the bore with impatience and were kept under the queen.
But soon after, he was awakened from sleep by a child, a flame went his way. Then, taking her
husband aside, Tanaquil, "Do you see this boy," he said, "whom the
humble style? Light certainly showed him some day we
will be a guard. Accordingly, the liberal arts have been trained by it. "Their
royal family was really young. Tarquin is engaged to his daughter.
Although handing over two sons were angry that a stranger had ruled Rome,
the greater was the fury that seemed to keep open the kingdom.
King made ​​the drive to occupy the throne. Shepherds,
perfect desperadoes, were two men selected for the deed in the court of the king's quarrel, they attracted all
the royal guards attention. From this it is called to the king, to say, in their turn, they were ordered
to . One thing he explains. While the king's intent and turned away in listening to him, the other swung aloft his ax and brought down the king 's head; leaving the weapon in the wound, both out of the house they run away.
dying Tarquin in their messengers exceptions; the fugitives the sergeants
Magnus follows the tumult of the people, among whom the palace to Tanaquil
to be provided. Summoned her from there, quickly advance to serve, help, and prayed. "Thine is the kingdom , "
said he, "Slaves, if a man, it is not those who have, on the hands of this worst of crimes
they have committed. Up! Follow the guidance of, the divine flame of this chapter, it is clear who
is going to be the token. Do not be upset that you are a foreigner. We also
foreigners, have reigned. If on account of the sudden you can not imagine that the plans of the matter, with my own
plans, however, follow me. "
When they had now the cry of the populace could hardly be restrained, Tanaquil from
the upper part of the king's approach, she addressed the people thus: "When the king's wound is sometimes
, however, he returns to himself, now; a short time to see the king. In the meantime, wishes to
Servius Tullius, in his public administration. "Accordingly, the servant for several
days, with Tarquin, he was already dead, to strengthen his position. Now at last the
death of the king was announced. Maurus Servius Honoratus, a strong guard, first without the authorization
of the people, the will of the birth, has reigned.
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