Α 'Chrodechildis the queen Chlodomerem or others addressed his son, saying:' It was not me paeneteat, dear, you sweetly enutrisse; roused, please, my injury and the death of my father and mother with keen interest vindecate. This is what they heard it, they ask for and against the Sigimundum or his brother, Godomarum of Burgundy direct. Devictumque their host, the Godomarus turned his back. Sigimundus, however, while the Saints Acaunos tries to flee from Chlodomere was taken prisoner and his wife and children, during the term of the Aurilianensim hearvnto placed detenetur. Discedentibusque these kings, Godomarus, but recovering his strength, Burgundians collects and in the reign receives. Against whom Chlodomeris go again, planned to kill Sigimundum distant.
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